
It is often advised to use burning sage to drive away demons and evil spirits. This is known as smudging, and the technique can be used to cleanse an object, a building, yourself, or another person. Smudging is most often performed with white sage as part of many belief systems, including Neopagan spirituality such as modern Wicca and paranormal investigations.

Sage has been burned by many Native American traditions for centuries to aid spiritual healing. Perhaps due to its natural anti-bacterial properties, its smoke is said to clear bacteria out of the air. Some research has suggested certain extracts of sage may have positive effects on human brain functions. Sage smoke is also said to be an odor remover and a bug repellent.

Smudging involves burning dried sage. It is believed that the smoke can purify a space and drive away negative energy. It is said to be a form of ritual...

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