
You might expect a course on demonology to come with a disclaimer about irresponsible use of the techniques used by demonologists or a warning not to try any of the methods described yourself, but that's not really the case with modern demonology.

The very nature of demonology has changed a lot over the centuries. Traditionally, the only way to become an accredited demonologist was to be sanctioned by a church. Today, modern demonology is very different, as outdated superstitions have fallen aside through the generations.

Demons were once considered to be exceedingly life-threatening entities, but the truth is, there have been no recorded deaths that have been attributed to demonic possessions or hauntings ever. Of course, there are many reports of people being pushed, scratched, or hit by a malevolent spirit, but claims of demons becoming physically violent are very rare.

Those living in houses that are said to be haunted by a...

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Diploma in Modern Demonology for Paranormal Investigators

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