Active Versus Passive EVP Sessions

When it comes to recording, there are a few different tried-and-true methods available. We'll look at realtime and burst recordings in a later module, but first let's look at the differences between active and passive recording sessions.

A passive EVP session is one in which the investigators conducting the experiment are not actively asking questions or encouraging the spirits to interact. The method was pioneered by Konstantin Raudive and involves no human interaction.

In its simplest form, it involves setting up a recording device in a room or enclosed area, leaving the area, and leaving the recorder running in silence. The idea behind this is that a supernatural entity may inadvertently make a sound in the recording.

Passive sessions might be a better option for locations that are said to house a residual haunting where intelligent two-way communication may not be possible.

After 20 minutes, or however long you feel is necessary, you can...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'How to Capture EVPs' module of Diploma in Capturing and Analyzing Electronic Voice Phenomenon. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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