Advantages of Using an Audio Recorder During Investigations

Even if you're not attempting to capture EVPs, an audio recorder is a very useful tool to have on a ghost hunt because it mimics the human sense of hearing. Since so many hauntings include reports of unexplained knocks and bangs, footsteps, disembodied voices, and other sounds, it makes sense to try to capture evidence of these.

A digital audio recorder is capable of recording for hours on end, allowing you to create an audio log of the investigation. Should you hear any strange sounds, knocking, or voices, you can play them back to review them.

If using audio to log the investigation, you should ensure that the recorder is running continuously. Audio files are relatively small compared to a modern memory card's capacity, which means you can easily record several hours of audio.

When you start recording, say the time out loud. This will then give you a timeframe for the whole...

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