Digital Versus Analogue Recording

Normally, when debating digital versus analog audio recording methods, digital is the clear winner. Mainly because old analogue devices increase the chance of noise in the recording, this could be in the form of unwanted hisses, pops, and rumbles.

But when it comes to the paranormal, it's not so simple, and investigators get results using both methods. Of course, all the early pioneers in EVP research would have been using analog devices.

A digital method of audio recording would be a modern handheld audio recorder or dictaphone, the audio recording app built into your mobile phone or tablet, or audio recording software on a laptop.

Analog refers to devices that use a magnetic storage medium, such as a cassette recorder or reel-to-reel tape machine. Today, these devices are considered antiquated, but since these sorts of recording devices proved so popular in the early days of EVP research, perhaps they shouldn't be ignored now.


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