Laser Beam EVPs

Many paranormal investigators believe that ghosts and the electromagnetic spectrum are intrinsically linked, and since laser light is part of the EM spectrum, laser beams can be used to capture EVPs.

It's not uncommon to use a device called an EM pump as part of an investigation. The gadget pumps energy out into the environment around it in the hopes that spirits can draw on that energy and use it to manifest or communicate.

The obvious fact that is often overlooked is that you can pump electromagnetic energy into your surroundings using just about anything, from a flashlight to a fan heater. In fact, even the human body gives out electromagnetic energy in the form of heat.

Another source of EM energy, similar to a flashlight, is a laser. Light, including laser light, travels in waves of varying frequencies in much the same way as radio waves, which are also part of the...

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