Scalar Waves

Scalar waves are a proposed type of exotic energy that some paranormal investigators think could be linked to the transmission and capturing of EVPs.

Some believe that different frequencies of scalar waves are responsible for supernatural phenomena like telepathy and clairvoyance. So, it might be possible for mediums or those who are sensitive to be able to consciously or subconsciously pick up on scalar energy.

It's also been suggested that scalar waves could be the mechanism that imprints spirit voices in audio recordings, essentially powering EVPs.

The belief is that scalar waves can pass through ordinary matter, even right through the core of the earth and out the other side. EVPs have been captured when the recording devices have been electromagnetically shielded in a Faraday pouch. This could be possible if the wave carrying an EVP could pass through an object such as a Faraday cage.

However, there's no agreed-upon scientific understanding of how...

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