The KM System
Although the AA-EVP classification system is still commonly used, today the most widely used and accepted classification system is the KM EVP system. It is named after EVP researchers Doug Kelley and Jari Mikkola.
Kelley and Mikkola's system is more useful when it comes to rating not only the quality of the EVP recording but also the message contained within it, as this is where any evidence to support paranormal contact will lie. Their scale takes things a step further than the previous classification methods by taking into account the context of the message, how meaningful it is, and how easy it is to comprehend.
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The KM System
Class 1
Spirit voice is a direct response to a human statement, question, action, activity, or spirit voices...
Price includes certificate of achievement, postage, and digital accreditation.
Diploma in Capturing and Analyzing Electronic Voice Phenomenon
Price includes unlimited access to course material, certificate of achievement, postage, and digital accreditation.