
Budgeting for an event can be tricky, especially as the majority of ticket sellers don't release the funds until after the event. Luckily, a lot of businesses within the events industry work in a similar way and don't require payment until after the event, so this shouldn't make cash flow too much of an issue.

One of the biggest costs you'll need to budget for to put on a ghost hunting event is paranormal kit and gadgets. Of course, this is a cost that is unique to paranormal events. Most people attending your event won't have their own equipment, but using the gadgets of the trade is something they will expect to experience.

The upfront cost for these devices can be fairly high, as you will need to buy a significant amount of equipment and multiples of some items to ensure that people can investigate properly. For a group of around ten...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Logistics' module of Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

Price includes certificate of achievement, postage, and digital accreditation.

Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management

Enroll now for $42

Price includes unlimited access to course material, certificate of achievement, postage, and digital accreditation.