Dates, times & availability

Due to the nature of paranormal events of this type, they almost always take place in the evening, whether it's a ghost hunt, tour, or ghost walk. This is mainly due to the fact that it is dark in the evening, which adds to the atmosphere.

This is especially important when planning a ghost hunt, as you will need to eliminate the amount of light from the outside world entering the property. It's not always possible to black out every window. It's equally important for ghost walks, as these types of events just wouldn't be the same in the day.

Most ghost hunting events start late in the evening and finish between 1 and 3am, but when planning a start time, be aware of the time of year as summer days may be much longer and daylight will last much longer into the evening.

Paranormal events can be held on any day of...

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Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management

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