Example welcome script

Welcome to [venue name] with [company name]. I'm [your name]. This is [colleague's name 1] and [colleague's name 2], and we are your team this evening. If there's anything you need, come and ask us.

The team this evening can only offer their own perspective. You are responsible for making your own decisions about what you experience tonight, according to your own beliefs and not the beliefs of others.

Who has done a ghost hunt before? Who hasn't?

Who believes in ghosts, spirits, and things that go bump in the night?

And have we got any skeptics in the room?

We have quite a mixed group then, including some skeptics who will help us keep our feet on the ground this evening. But, of course we all have different beliefs and someone in the group might experience something and, even though you're stood right next to them, you don't experience anything. In situations like this,...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Example documents' module of Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management

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