Ghost hunting activities

You will not be able to run a ghost hunt with more than a few people without having a few extra expert helpers. These facilitators will teach guests the way of paranormal investigations, guide guests through the venue, and help guests interpret their findings.

It's important to remember that, even if you don't believe in the effectiveness of some of the activities that are usually carried out at paranormal events, your guests will probably expect to partake in them, so you and your team will need to conduct these activities in a positive and engaging way.

Other guests may not believe in certain activities either, so it is also the job of the event's facilitators to encourage the guests to get involved in all activities with an open mind.

At most events, the activity starts by taking the group to a part of the property where a group vigil is held. This may...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Activities' module of Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management

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