Post event

Near the end of the event, after the vigils have taken place, the group should come back together to talk about their experiences. At this point, you might want to tell guests if any of the information they've collected through séances matches the haunted history of the location.

This point in the evening is also a good opportunity to ask guests for feedback on the event, which of course should be noted by a member of the team to draw lessons for future events.

Once the event is over and the guests have left, it is your responsibility to return the location to its original condition. Make certain that you return all spaces used to the state you found them in.

It's a good idea to gather your staff and volunteers before they leave for a brief discussion about the event, to talk through what went well and badly. Remember to thank your...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Activities' module of Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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Diploma in Ghost Hunting Event Planning and Management

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