Artificial Intelligences Ghosts

Could a computer with artificial intelligence become a ghost when it dies? If we succeed in creating genuine artificially intelligent machines and then "delete" them, could they come back as a ghost?

For a computer to truly be self-aware, it would need to have a level of consciousness similar to our own. We'd have to build a computer with a soul.

The human brain is a chemical-based biological computer itself. Electrical signals are sent to and from parts of our bodies through nerves. Of course, all creatures on Earth have brains, and some are more advanced than others. While humans and a few other animals (apes, monkeys, elephants, and dolphins) are self-aware, there are plenty of animals that aren't believed to be sentient in the same way as us.

Human intelligence is believed by some to have a special quality, a level of consciousness that seems to be greater than the sum of...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Consciousness & the Soul' module of Diploma in Advanced Scientific Theory for Paranormal Investigators. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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