Audible Voice Phenomenon (AVP/DVP)

Audible Voice Phenomenon (AVP) is a form of spirit communication which doesn't come under the umbrella of ITC as it is not facilitated via any electrical equipment, but it is still well worth knowing about.

Audible voice phenomena, also known as Direct Voice Phenomenon (DVP), are audible, disembodied voices that are heard during paranormal investigations, séances, or at a haunted location and are spoken directly to the investigator or witness.

A DVP is similar to an EVP, which refers to voices that are captured or heard via electronic audio recording or playback equipment. In the case of DVPs, however, no audio or electrical equipment is used, and they are heard live, in real time, with nothing more than the human ear.

Direct voice phenomena are very rare, almost as rare as full-bodied apparitions, but it's not uncommon for people to report hearing laughter, cries, or even menacing voices shouting "get out" while at...

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