Defining Energy

The word "energy" gets used a lot during paranormal investigations. Often, people will talk about investigators having positive energy that spirits can use to manifest or produce signs they are present. You may have also heard that people with negative energy can put a damper on paranormal activity.

This use of the term energy really just refers to positive and negative "vibes." In the case of paranormal investigations, it's about someone's willingness to be enthusiastic, to get involved, and to call out to the spirits and encourage them to engage with you.

It's said that certain people radiate positive energy and others negative energy, but this sort of energy is merely a metaphor and bears no resemblance to "energy" in the scientific sense of the word. It's just people appropriating technical terms for emotional states.

While we are able to detect certain energy from the human brain in the form of electrical impulses,...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Energy, Fields & Frequencies' module of Diploma in Advanced Scientific Theory for Paranormal Investigators. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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