Does Negative Energy Exist?

Due to the psychology and emotional connotations of the term, it's often assumed that negative energy is bad because that's what we associate with the word "negative." However, in science, positive and negative energy are more about balance and the differences between amounts of energy.

In the previous lesson, we clarified what energy is and isn't, and what is meant by positive and negative energy. But can negative energy exist in the universe in a scientific sense?

Hypothetically, the answer is yes, but we've never encountered it, and how likely it is that negative energy actually exists in our universe is still unknown. The term negative energy is a concept used in physics to explain the nature of certain fields. The term negative is most frequently used when talking about attraction, which is of course most relevant when describing the effects of gravity.

The universe is very good at balancing itself out. For...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Energy, Fields & Frequencies' module of Diploma in Advanced Scientific Theory for Paranormal Investigators. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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