Case Studies

Case studies are a crucial part of parapsychological research, especially when it comes to investigating strong psychic claims made by individuals. Unlike broader research methods like the experimental approach or spontaneous case investigations, case studies focus intently on a single subject or a small group over an extended period. This method is particularly useful when dealing with claimants who assert that they possess specific abilities.

In the context of extrasensory perception (ESP), a claimant might believe they can perceive information without using the known senses, such as predicting future events, reading minds, or gaining knowledge of distant objects or events. When dealing with claims of psychokinesis (PK), the individual might assert that they can move or influence objects without physical interaction, such as bending metal, moving small objects like dice, or even influencing electronic devices with their mind. For postmortem survival, the claimant might claim to communicate with the dead, either...

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