
Channelling is when a medium, or channeller, communicates with spirits or other non-physical entities. The medium serves as a conduit, allowing these entities to convey messages or information to the living. This can occur in various forms, including spoken words, written messages, or even through artistic expressions like drawing or painting.

The medium is believed to open themselves to external influences, allowing the entity to take control of or influence their thoughts and actions. Some mediums describe this experience as feeling as though they are stepping aside, permitting the spirit to use their voice or hands.

There are two main types of channelling: conscious channelling and trance channelling. In conscious channelling, the medium remains aware of their surroundings and retains some control over their actions. They can often recall the messages conveyed during the session.

In trance channelling, the medium typically begins by entering a trance-like state, which can range from light meditation...

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