
The term "clairvoyance" refers to a type of extrasensory perception, specifically the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through means other than the five known human senses.

A person with the ability of clairvoyance, referred to as a clairvoyant, can reportedly 'see' beyond what is visible to the average individual - this may include perceiving spirits, foreseeing future events, or accessing details from distant locations without ever visiting them. Clairvoyants might receive visual information in the form of symbols, colours, visions, dreams, or just sudden mental images popping into their heads.

When it comes to defining the term, this description causes a few issues as there are a great deal of similarities to other abilities, making distinguishing between them challenging. For instance, if a clairvoyant is able to glimpse the future, then this could be categorised as precognition. However, the key distinction here is that clairvoyance...

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