Double-Blind Protocol

The double-blind protocol is a research method used to ensure fairness and objectivity in experiments, a principle that is critically important in paranormal research. It involves keeping both the participants and the researchers unaware of certain key details of the experiment, which helps to reduce biases that could arise from the expectations of those involved, ensuring the results are as objective as possible.

The distinction between blind and double-blind protocols lies in who is kept unaware of specific information during the experiment. In a blind protocol, only the participants are unaware of certain details, whereas, in a double-blind protocol, both the participants and the researchers are kept in the dark about key elements of the study. This approach is particularly valuable in parapsychology, where the potential for subjective interpretation and unconscious bias is high.

In paranormal research, double-blind protocols are often used in experiments designed to test psychic abilities such as extrasensory...

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