Experimental Approach

The experimental approach is a cornerstone of parapsychological research, designed to test paranormal claims. This approach is known for its systematic and controlled methods, which often involve large groups of participants. The goal is to uncover any evidence of psychic abilities or phenomena under conditions that minimise external influences and biases.

In parapsychology, the experimental approach typically begins with the formation of a clear and testable hypothesis. For instance, researchers might hypothesise that certain individuals possess telepathic abilities, allowing them to transmit information from one person to another without using the known senses. Alternatively, a study might explore whether individuals can influence physical objects or outcomes, such as dice rolls or random number generators, using only their minds - a phenomenon known as psychokinesis. The experimental approach is particularly useful in studying ESP and PK because it allows researchers to design experiments that can be repeated and measured objectively.

The experiments are...

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