Extrasensory perception (ESP)

Extrasensory perception (ESP) is one of the main pillars of research in the field of parapsychology. It is not considered a physical sense like sight or hearing. Instead, it's described as a form of perception or communication that exists beyond the physical realm.

Many believe that ESP abilities are a natural gift that individuals are born with. This is often based on anecdotal evidence from individuals who claim to have experienced psychic phenomena from a young age or come from families where such abilities are said to run in the lineage. Conversely, there are practitioners and teachers in the field of psychic development who argue that ESP abilities can be developed through practice and training.

Although ESP has been the subject of serious scientific study, to date, there's no conclusive evidence to validate the existence of ESP. The field of parapsychology uses a variety of methods to study ESP, from card-guessing tests...

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