How to Become a Parapsychologist

Unfortunately, parapsychology is rarely a full-time career, and the route into the field can be long and hard. It's also rare to find a university that offers the chance to study parapsychology, as the topic is not generally accepted as a legitimate science. There are very few accredited parapsychology courses worldwide.

However, there are a handful of universities that allow students to take an optional program in parapsychology or abnormal psychology as part of a traditional psychology bachelor's or master's degree in psychology. You may be able to take a psychology major with a minor in parapsychology.

Because of the non-acceptance of parapsychology as a mainstream science, you're going to have to have pretty thick skin if you're going to pursue this field as an area of expertise. You will find your work under constant, and often aggressive, scrutiny. You may be ridiculed and face hostility from the scientific community. As well...

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