
Hyperarousal is a state of heightened alertness and sensitivity to stimuli. It is a physiological and psychological condition often associated with stress and anxiety, that is particularly relevant to ghosts and hauntings. When a person is in a state of hyperarousal, their body and mind are on high alert, ready to react to any perceived threat or unusual occurrence.

When someone believes they are in a haunted location, they may enter a state of hyperarousal due to fear, anticipation, or anxiety about encountering a ghost or other paranormal phenomena. This can result in increased heart rate, rapid breathing, heightened sensory perception, and feeling jumpy or easily startled.

When in a state of hyperarousal, an individual is more likely to notice small noises, changes in temperature, or movements in their peripheral vision. In a potentially haunted location, these heightened senses can make ordinary events, like the creaking of a floorboard or a breeze,...

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