Influencing Random Processes

One area of research that falls under the umbrella of psychokinesis is the idea that individuals can influence random processes. This means affecting outcomes that are typically determined by chance, such as random number generators, dice rolls, or coin flips, using only the power of the mind.

Random Number Generators (RNGs)

Random number generators are used to produce sequences of numbers that lack any predictable pattern. They are widely used in various fields, from computer science to gambling, and are considered a benchmark for testing claims of psychokinetic abilities.

Research into the influence of RNGs by PK practitioners often involves attempts to skew the output in a statistically significant way. Experiments usually include a baseline where the RNG is allowed to run without influence to establish what a normal distribution of numbers looks like. Then, the participant attempts to mentally influence the RNG to produce more high or low numbers than would be...

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