Occam's Razor

Occam's Razor is a crucial principle often invoked in discussions of paranormal phenomena and psychic experiences. This methodological tool of logic and simplicity is used to evaluate competing explanations for a phenomenon by favouring the one that makes the fewest assumptions.

Named after the 14th-century philosopher William of Ockham, Occam's Razor suggests that when faced with multiple explanations for an event, the explanation with the fewest assumptions is usually the correct one. This principle doesn't imply that the simplest answer is always right, but rather that we should start with the most straightforward explanation before considering more complex ones.

Occam's Razor has long influenced scientific models and theories. For example, it guided astronomers like Copernicus towards simpler models of the universe. William of Ockham's advocacy for simplicity over complexity helped lay the foundation for the scientific method, influencing diverse fields from astronomy to biology.

When it comes to parapsychology, Occam's Razor becomes particularly...

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