Ouija Boards

Ouija boards, often called spirit or séance boards, have been a popular form of divination since Victorian times. They are usually wooden, with letters, numbers, and the words "yes" and "no" marked on them. The heart-shaped planchette moves across the board, spelling out words, leaving users to decide if this is supernatural contact or psychological trickery.

The name "Ouija" is intriguing, though spelled with "ja" at the end, it's commonly pronounced "wee-gee" rather than "wee-juh," although both pronunciations are widely accepted. The name's origin is uncertain, with the most common myth being that it combines the French "oui" and German "ja" for "yes." However, this explanation is a myth. The name "Ouija" was reportedly obtained during a session by a medium named Helen Peters. It is widely accepted that Peters coined the name during this session, however, she also claimed that it meant "good luck" in Egyptian, which is also not...

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