Out-Of-Body Experiences

Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) involve observing yourself from a perspective outside of the physical body, a phenomenon that suggests that the human soul or consciousness is able to exist independently of the physical body and could provide evidence of postmortem survival.

People who have experienced an OBE often describe it as floating above their body, looking down on themselves from the ceiling, or even travelling to different locations while their body remains stationary.

Individuals experiencing an OBE might feel as if they are floating near the ceiling, looking down on their bodies, or moving through walls. OBEs can occur in various circumstances, including during meditation, just before falling asleep, or in response to extreme stress, but they do not necessarily involve a life-threatening situation.

It is often suggested that during an OBE, the spirit actually leaves the body and can explore the physical world or even other dimensions. This viewpoint often ties into broader...

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