Past-Life Regression

Past-life regression is a technique that aims to help individuals explore memories that are believed to be from lives they've lived before their current one. This is achieved with the guidance of a practitioner using hypnosis or meditation techniques who leads the individual into a relaxed, trance-like state. Participants might recall specific details such as locations, historical periods, and personal relationships that they associate with these previous existences.

The technique primarily uses hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and altered consciousness. This state is believed to allow individuals to access memories from past lives that are not usually accessible in their normal conscious state. Some past-life regressionists claim that individuals can even recall past lives as animals or in non-human forms.

The belief underpinning the technique is that of postmortem survival. When a person dies, their consciousness leaves the body but retains the experiences, emotions, and memories from that lifetime....

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