Poltergeist Activity

Psychokinesis has a lot in common with another paranormal concept, that of poltergeists. Poltergeist activity is categorised as a phenomenon where objects are seemingly moved without explanation, noises are heard without apparent sources, and other physical disturbances occur in a particular location or around a specific individual.

The classic belief behind poltergeist activity is that it could be a form of psychokinesis, but not in the traditional sense, where an individual is consciously and intentionally moving objects with their mind. The belief is that poltergeist cases revolve around an individual, typically a teenager or someone undergoing significant stress or emotional turmoil, who may be unknowingly causing the disturbances due to repressed emotions or psychological stress.

This potential link between psychokinesis and poltergeist activity means the phenomenon intersects with the world of ghost hunting, but the link could have bigger implications for investigators than they might realise. For example, if a team or...

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