
Premonitions are generally considered to be a type of extrasensory perception (ESP). The term refers to a feeling or intuition that something, often of significant or disastrous nature, is about to occur before it actually happens. Some people experience premonitions as vivid dreams where they foresee events that later come true. Others experience spontaneous, involuntary feelings or visions about future occurrences that come to them while awake without any conscious effort or intent.

Some think that premonitions might result from the brain's ability to subconsciously process information gathered through normal sensory channels. This could involve picking up on subtle environmental cues, patterns, and details that are not consciously noted. The brain then uses this data to generate a 'prediction' about future events, which surfaces as a premonition. For example, a person might pick up subtle cues from their environment without consciously realising it, leading to a 'gut feeling' that something is...

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