Psychological Perspectives

While exploring these three main areas of study of parapsychology - extrasensory perception (ESP), psychokinesis (PK), and postmortem survival - it's essential to consider the psychological perspectives that can offer insights into the experiences and claims of those reporting paranormal activity. Understanding these psychological mechanisms helps researchers distinguish between genuine paranormal occurrences and those influenced by the complexities of the human mind.

This module aims to bridge the gap between parapsychological phenomena and psychological explanations, providing an understanding of how cognitive and perceptual processes might contribute to experiences often labeled as paranormal. By examining various psychological concepts, we can better understand the factors that shape these experiences.

One key area of focus is how heightened states of awareness, such as hyperarousal, can make individuals more prone to perceiving ordinary events as extraordinary due to increased anxiety or stress. Similarly, parasomnias, including sleep paralysis and night terrors, can produce vivid and frightening experiences...

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