
Scrying is a form of divination that involves staring into a medium with the hope of eliciting visions that reveal information or messages. These mediums can be anything reflective or translucent - commonly mirrors, crystal balls, water, or even flames.

The idea is that the person doing the scrying, known as the scryer, gazes into these surfaces with a relaxed focus and might see images, symbols, or scenes play out before them. These are interpreted to provide guidance, answer questions, or communicate with the spirits of the dead.

Many individuals incorporate scrying into their personal meditation or reflection practices, it's also a component of various spiritual and ritualistic practices across different traditions.

From the ancient Egyptians and druids to Nostradamus and John Dee, a noted 16th-century mathematician, astronomer, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, many have turned to scrying as a means of divination. Scrying is still a part of modern paranormal investigations...

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