Spontaneous Case Investigations

Spontaneous case investigations, often referred to as field research within parapsychology, is a method of studying paranormal phenomena in their natural settings. Unlike controlled laboratory experiments, which focus on replicable phenomena under strict conditions, spontaneous case investigations deal with occurrences as they naturally unfold, often without warning and in environments that are not easily controlled. This method is particularly significant in the study of postmortem survival, where researchers aim to explore the presence of ghosts, spirits, and other manifestations that suggest life after death.

At the heart of spontaneous case investigations is the goal of documenting and understanding paranormal events as they occur. These investigations typically respond to reports of hauntings or ghostly encounters in homes, historical sites, or other locations where such phenomena have been claimed. The objective is to gather as much evidence as possible, using a combination of observation, environmental monitoring, and witness interviews, to assess whether these...

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