Survey Research

Survey research in parapsychology serves as a tool for understanding the prevalence and nature of beliefs in paranormal phenomena. Unlike other methods, such as experimental approaches or spontaneous case investigations, which focus on gathering evidence of paranormal events or experiences, surveys primarily aim to explore people's beliefs, attitudes, and, sometimes, their self-reported experiences related to the paranormal. The scope of survey research is broad, and while it is most commonly used to gauge public opinion on topics relating to the paranormal and the afterlife, it also has the potential to uncover trends, patterns, and demographic differences in how these beliefs are distributed across populations.

One of the most famous uses of survey research in parapsychology was the Census of Hallucinations, conducted between 1882 and 1895 by the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). This survey aimed to explore the prevalence of spontaneous apparitional experiences among the general population. The Census of Hallucinations...

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