The Barnum Effect

The Barnum Effect is a psychological phenomenon where people believe vague, general statements about personality or behaviour apply specifically to them, despite those statements being broad enough to apply to almost anyone. It's like reading your horoscope and thinking it perfectly describes you, when in reality it could easily describe most other people as well.

It's named after the famous American showman P.T. Barnum, who was known for his expertise in promoting and popularising various forms of entertainment, earning him the nickname "the Greatest Showman." He showcased various exhibitions, often blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural. Although skeptical of such things, Barnum capitalised on the public's fascination with the strange, and his understanding of human psychology and belief is why the Barnum Effect is named after him.

The effect is common in tarot, palm reading, mediumship, and even personality tests, where the statements are carefully crafted to appear personalised. But...

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