The History of Parapsychology

The field of parapsychology has a rich history that spans centuries and has seen researchers attempt to understand experiences and abilities that can be grouped in three distinct categories: Extrasensory Perception (ESP), Psychokinesis (PK), and Postmortem Survival.

The timeline below provides a chronological overview of key events, individuals, and societal trends that have shaped the field of research from the mid-19th century to the present day. From the Fox sisters, whose séances ignited the Spiritualist movement, to modern parapsychologists seeking empirical evidence of psychic phenomena.

1848The Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York, claim to communicate with a spirit in their house, sparking widespread interest in Spiritualism. These claims were investigated by multiple individuals, though methodologies varied and were not always scientific.

1853The first Spiritualist newspaper, The Spiritual Telegraph, is published in New York, promoting investigations into paranormal occurrences.

1860sBritish chemist Sir William Crookes begins investigating spiritualist phenomena, including the mediumship of D.D. Home and...

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