The Principle of Replication

The principle of replication is a fundamental concept in parapsychology, as well as in the broader scientific community. It refers to the idea that, in order to verify the reliability and accuracy of a finding, an experiment or investigation must be repeatable with consistent results. This means that if a parapsychologist claims to have observed evidence of extrasensory perception (ESP), psychokinesis (PK), or another paranormal phenomenon using certain methods, other researchers should be able to replicate those methods under similar conditions and observe the same results.

In the context of parapsychological research, replication involves repeating elements of an experiment or study under the same conditions to see if similar paranormal phenomena can be observed consistently. For example, if a researcher conducts a study where participants correctly identify symbols on Zener cards beyond what chance would predict, the principle of replication would require that the experiment be conducted again to see if...

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