Demonic hauntings

Demonic hauntings are rare but can be very terrifying experiences for those who witness them. Again, there is no way to know for sure if you're dealing with a supernatural entity, let alone whether it's a ghost, poltergeist, or demon.

A demonic haunting has a lot of similarities with intelligent hauntings. The only real difference is the witness's or investigator's interpretation of the haunting's intent, which in this case they deem to be more negative and threatening. It also comes down to belief in the cause of the haunting. While ghosts and spirits are believed to be the result of deceased human spirits, believers in demons claim that these entities were never humans, have never been alive, and have only ever existed purely as malevolent entities that are intent on causing suffering to those that they haunt.

It's said that they aim to break down their victim's free will and weaken them...

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