Electromagnetic field meter
An electromagnetic field meter, or EMF meter, is one of the most popular pieces of ghost hunting equipment. They are simple to use, often consisting of nothing more than an on/off switch. They detect and alert you to fluctuations and spikes in electromagnetic flux from 50 to 1,000 Hz. The device gives instant feedback via a digital display or LED indicators, usually five.
The belief within the paranormal community is that ghosts either emit an EM field or disrupt the ambient field. This is based on the fact that the human brain uses tiny electronic impulses, and it's this synaptic energy of a disembodied spirit that EMF meters can detect.
An EMF meter can be used to communicate with spirits during a séance. As with the previous methods of spirit communication, you should call out to the spirits. When using an EMF meter, you should encourage the spirits to come forward and...
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