Obtaining permissions

Most ghost hunts you embark on will either be organized events at locations you've been invited to or at locations open to the public. However, you may be tempted to investigate abandoned or derelict buildings, including houses, asylums, or hospitals. It is vital to get permission before setting foot in these or any properties.

Without seeking the correct permissions, your presence on the land will be deemed trespassing. As trespass is a civil matter, not a criminal offense, the police are unlikely to get involved. But the property's owner, caretaker, or security guard can use reasonable force to remove you.

However, it is a criminal offense to cause damage by getting onto land or into a building. This could be deemed to be aggravated trespass, criminal damage, or even breaking and entering, all of which could put you at risk of a criminal conviction.

When properties are closed to the public, it's often...

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