Residual hauntings

Residual haunting describes a common experience in which a witness experiences something unexplained that doesn't feel like it has any intelligence or intent behind it. It's almost like becoming aware of a person or an event that took place at that location in the past. For this reason, residual hauntings are sometimes called place memories.

Residual hauntings are described as being like an imprint of energy or emotion that has been left behind by someone who suffered a tragic, premature death, usually a murder, suicide, or execution. Reports of these events being replayed are said to coincide with the anniversary of the event, when atmospheric conditions are similar, or when someone is susceptible to or in tune with that energy.

The phenomenon is known as "stone tape theory" due to the controversial and disputed belief that energy is captured and stored like a video recording in the surrounding bricks, woodwork, stone, and...

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