Working in the dark

Paranormal investigators are known for hunting ghosts in the dark, but there's a very good reason why they should be searching for spooks in the light too.

Ghost hunters give various explanations as to why they prefer to ghost hunt in the dark, but there are countless reports of ghost sightings not only in the dead of night but also in broad daylight and in lit buildings.

Of course, darkness helps set the mood and is appropriate for a public ghost hunt. It's the paranormal equivalent of lighting a candle to set the mood for a romantic meal. However, if you're conducting a scientific investigation, the darkness isn't required and may actually hinder your research.

One reason that ghost hunters investigate in the dark is because they tend to have more free time in the evenings and are only able to investigate locations at night when they are closed to the public. This...

This is a shortened preview of a lesson in the 'Capture evidence of the haunting' module of Diploma in Practical Ghost Hunting and Scientific Analysis. You can enroll on this course to get instant access to the full lesson.

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